20080726 Hike to Squaw Peak

Hike to Squaw Peak

Hike to Squaw Peak

Greg Jones, Audrey Kim, Lerida Casanova, Dora Torres, and Irma Villasana. All of us but Dora met at the Oak Hills 8th Ward chapel parking lot at about 7:30 am on Saturday, July 26, 2008. We proceeded to the mouth of Rock Canyon to begin our hike to Squaw Peak,which would be a round trip of just over 8 miles. Dora joined us for a short while at the beginning of the hike, the left to conserve her energy for other adventures. Information on the trail we took is available at bp2.trimbleoutdoors.com/ViewTrip.aspx?TripID=31044, and includes an aerial depiction of the trail.