20080712 Hike On The Lake Hardy Trail

Traihlead Access Point, Alpine, Utah

Traihlead Access Point, Alpine, Utah

Victoria, Audre, and Irma.

I was one of 7 hikers that met at 8 am on Saturday, July 12, 2008. We met at the parking lot of the Oak Hills 8th Ward near the Provo Temple of the LDS Church. Those in the group were myself, Audrey Kim, Brad Phillipps, Dora Torres, Steve Tueller, Victoria, Irma Villasana. This was the first time Brad had joined us - - he had just completed a graveyard shift at this work. Victoria, from Taiwan, had been on previous hikes, and this would be her last hike with us because she is returning to Taiwan on July 14. I had suggested the Lake Hardy trail based on information in the book "100 Hikes in Utah." We drove to the trailhead in northeast Alpine, Utah. The gate to the trailhead parking lot was closed, we had to park on the street outside the trailhead. By the end of the day we had hiked the following distance each way: .25 miles from our cars to the trailhead parking lot, 2.5 miles from the parking lot to the first hamongog (the Biblical term for meadow), and 2 miles to the second hamongog. We started our hike at about 8:45 am.